This site is intended to serve as an intelligent guide to meditation (including creative visualization and manifestation techniques) using the amazing new technology of brainwave entrainment. This technology can help you control your mind and brain in ways that previously required a lifetime of dedicated training, enabling you to tap into deep reserves of creativity, intelligence, and intuition; reprogram destructive behavior patterns rooted in the subconscious; help the body restore itself to its natural vigor; and – for those with a spiritual bent – gain access to the hidden, universal realms that connect all life and energy, transcending both space and time.
If you are new to this field, we invite you to explore our site and learn more about the exciting human potentials now available to you. Our blog is regularly updated with thought-provoking articles on meditation and self-improvement in general, and we welcome your participation in the discussion.
On this page, we help you choose (and use) the best meditation audio products to achieve your personal goals. While we recommend a few products strongly, we are also unusual in our willingness to be critical when necessary, and we are not afraid to change our recommendations when something better becomes available or - less fortunately – when a previously trusted producer loses our confidence. Some of the products that didn’t quite warrant a “front-page